Alumni Focus on Kacie Kreifels (OD'14)


HometownDr. Kacie Kreifels

Sioux Falls, SD

Which degree(s), related to optometry, did you earn at Ohio State?


Who were your mentors at the College of Optometry? Who had a positive effect on your education?

Dr. Jaqueline Davis (OD’81), Albert Schweitzer Fellowship Advisor, Professor and Mentor


Name of your employer(s) and title, including location.

Quigley Eye Specialists. Optometrist. Fort Myers, FL.

Give us a glimpse of your typical day as an optometrist.Dr. Kacie Kreifels

I see anywhere from 35 to 45 patients a day. I see post-ops, annual exams, glaucoma evaluations, macular degeneration exams, diabetic retinopathy exams, dry eye consults, and problem exams. I also perform dry eye procedures including Blephex and Lipiflow.

Which optometric issues concern you the most?

Healthcare reform and third-party reimbursements
Expanding and practicing full-scope optometry
Reducing debt and cost of education

Why did you choose a career in optometry?

I shadowed an optometrist in a private practice, and I fell in love with the complexity of the eye and how so many systemic issues can be detected from an eye exam. Shortly afterward I changed from pre-med to pre-optometry.

Where do you hope to see your optometric career in five years?

I hope to have a good work/life balance; and I hope to have expanded my Dry Eye Clinic and my patient base.

What is one piece of advice you can give OPT IV students as they prepare to graduate and begin their optometric careers?

Your career may take twists and turns that you didn’t expect; but know that The Ohio State College of Optometry has prepared you well and that there are always alumni you can reach out to for advice.


What were your most memorable moments at Ohio State?Dr. Kacie Kreifels

Participating in Albert Schweitzer Fellowship, being AOSA President, and enjoying social time with my classmates and husband.

What do Ohio State and the College of Optometry mean to you and your family?

We remember great people, great memories, and great life experiences. Our children are little Buckeyes in training and they already know that when someone says “O-H” to respond “I-O” :)

How do you stay connected with the College of Optometry?

Reading the Alumni magazine, keeping up with alumni emails, and keeping in touch with classmates and alumni alike.

What has the COVID-19 experience taught you about patient care?

During a crisis such as a pandemic, your patients need you more than ever. They need your patience, kindness, and empathy as much as your optometric knowledge.


What are your current hobbies, volunteer work, interests?Dr. Kacie Kreifels

Family time with my husband and three kids, swimming, going to beach, playing tennis, and photography.

What was the first concert that you attended / most recent?

Bruno Mars

If you could have a superpower, what would it be?

Time Travel

If not an optometrist, I would be ...
