Alumni Focus on Jordan Claboine (OD’19)

DR. CLABOINE'S STORYDr. Jordan Claboine


Rochester, NY

Which institution did you attend for your undergraduate degree? What was your major?

University of Florida
Applied Physiology and Kinesiology, Minor in Business Administration

Which degree(s), related to optometry, did you earn at Ohio State?


Who were your mentors at the College of Optometry? Who had a positive effect on your education?

I am grateful to the entire College of Optometry faculty, as they all played a role in my optometric education. Mentors throughout school and who I have been in contact with post-graduation include Dr. Jacqueline Davis and Dr. Vondolee Delgado-Nixon.

DR. CLABOINE'S CAREER IN OPTOMETRYJordan Claboine - Epsilon Psi Epsilon

Give us a glimpse of your typical day as an optometrist.

Our clinic is a mix of primary care optometry and medical exams. While the majority are comprehensive eye exams, I routinely manage glaucoma; specialty contact lenses, myopia control, and acute medical office visits.

Which optometric issues concern you the most?

My main concerns are the influence of insurance on medical care, the recent political pressure on the practice of optometric physicians, and the increasing prevalence of significant myopia.

Why did you choose a career in optometry?

I became fascinated by the phenomena of sight after receiving my first pair of glasses in elementary school. I thought to myself, “We can open our eyes and see, and it takes no effort at all.” As I became older and more practical in my career choice, I was drawn to optometry by the improvement in quality of life we can provide to patients, and the lifestyle optometry provides. Optometry is a versatile career offering opportunity in a wide variety of settings.

Where do you hope to see your optometric career in five years?Jordan Claboine - family

I recently moved to Orlando and plan to settle there. In the next five years I hope to mold a presence in my local community and build a patient base that I will see for years to come. I hope to further my involvement in the National Optometric Association and local optometric society.

What is one piece of advice you can give OPT-IV students as they prepare to graduate and begin their optometric careers?

Try not to get too caught up with your first choice of a job after graduation. Determine your priorities and make a decision based on what is most important to you. Whether that is practice setting, physical location, family considerations, etc. The rest will follow. As mentioned above, optometry is a versatile career and your first job is unlikely to be the last.

What does eye health, and eye care, mean for you?Jordan Claboine - National Optometric Association Convention 2023 with Dean Shipp

I often ask my patients; “what do you use more than your eyes and vision?” It is easy to discount how much we rely on our vision as it comes without any effort. Eye health ensures we can fully function to enjoy this life we are blessed to experience.


What were your most memorable moments at Ohio State?

My most memorable moments would involve Epsilon Psi Epsilon events, traveling to conferences with other members of OSU optometry, and traveling to Ghana to volunteer through SVOSH and FCO. Best of all would be celebrating my graduation with my family and friends who made the trip to Columbus.

What do Ohio State and the College of Optometry mean to you and your family?Jordan Claboine - Ohio Stadium

My friends and colleagues from the Ohio State Optometry community have become a second family. I keep in touch with them regularly. Living in the EYE House all four years only strengthened that connection. Shout-out Squid Squad! IYKYK

How do you stay connected with the College of Optometry?

Primarily through social media, alumni magazines, and chats with colleagues.


What are your current hobbies, volunteer work and interests?

Currently, I am enjoying exploring the city of Orlando and attending Magic games. I enjoy traveling to natural wonders, trips to the gym, cycling, sports, gaming. I have a long list of hobbies and interests. I participate in local vision screenings routinely, and hope to get back overseas for volunteer optometric work soon.

What is your nickname?Jordan Claboine - Yosemite National Park

It was never meant to be a nickname, but my social media tag “Bopfire” led to some friends at Ohio State calling me Bop.

What’s the best eye pun you’ve ever heard?

Sorry, I cannot mentor anyone else in eye puns. I already have two pupils.

If not an optometrist, I would be …

An NBA All-Star, of course.