Phillip Yuhas

I am a clinician-scientist who just completed my third year as an Assistant Professor at The Ohio State University College of Optometry. My research focuses on the effects that repeated traumatic brain injuries have on the retina and on ocular biomechanics in glaucoma and in keratoconus. As a licensed optometrist, my clinical interests include the diagnosis and management of ocular disease, especially glaucoma; fitting specialty lenses; and understanding the consequences of blue light exposure on the eye and visual system. Given my research and clinical interests, I am well-positioned to teach OPTOM 7740, Management of Glaucoma, in the third year of the optometry curriculum and to staff the College's Advanced Ocular Care clinic. I serve the College by contributing to the Faculty Advisory Committee, by proctoring student practical examinations, and by leading a SocialEyes student group. I serve the University as a member of the VITA Advisory Committee. Beyond Ohio State, I am active member of the National Board of Examiners in Optometry Refractive Error Committee and Council. I also work as a member of several groups that advance the missions of the American Academy of Optometry and of the American Optometric Association.
- Title of Abstract/Short Entry: Comparison of Air-Puff Tonometry Biomechanical Waveform Parameters between Cohorts of Sub-Saharan African, European, and Mixed-Race DescentAuthor(s): Yuhas PT, Canavan J, Mahmoud A, Roberts CTitle of Publication: Optometry & Vision ScienceType of Work: AbstractPublication Status: PublishedPublication date: 5 November 2021Record created at source: 23 March 2022
- Title of Abstract/Short Entry: Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer Degradation in Subjects with a History of Multiple Traumatic Brain InjuriesAuthor(s): Yuhas PT, Stern-Green E, Shelton E, Day E, McDaniel C, VanNasdale DTitle of Publication: Optometry & Vision ScienceType of Work: AbstractPublication Status: PublishedPublication date: 4 November 2021Record created at source: 23 March 2022
- Title of Abstract/Short Entry: Potentiation of Pupil Responses after Exposure to Repeated Light Stimuli: Effect of Light WavelengthAuthor(s): Etterling J, Yuhas PT, Hartwick ATitle of Publication: Optometry & Vision SciencePublication Status: PublishedPublication date: 24 October 2019Edition: E-abstract 195316Volume: 96Record created at source: 14 November 2019
- Title of Abstract/Short Entry: Dopamine D1 Receptor-mediated Enhancement of ipRGC Photoresponses in RatAuthor(s): Yuhas PT, Hartwick ATitle of Publication: Optometry & Vision SciencePublication Status: PublishedPublication date: 23 October 2019Edition: E-abstract 190028Volume: 96Record created at source: 14 November 2019
- Title of Abstract/Short Entry: Observer-Perceived Light Aversion Behavior in Photophobic Subjects with TBIAuthor(s): Yuhas PT, Shorter PD, McDaniel CE, Earley MJ, Hartwick ATitle of Publication: Optometry & Vision SciencePublication Status: PublishedPublication date: 2018Edition: E-abstract 180132Record created at source: 15 October 2019
- Title of Abstract/Short Entry: Pupil Constriction During Prolonged Exposure to Flickering Stimuli: Evidence for Cholinergic ipRGC StimulationAuthor(s): Galko E, Yuhas PT, Hartwick ATitle of Publication: Optometry & Vision SciencePublication Status: PublishedPublication date: 14 October 2017Record created at source: 15 October 2019
- Title of Abstract/Short Entry: Red light-mediated photopotentiation of pupillary light responsesRIV Author(s): Yuhas P, Hartwick ATETitle of Publication: Optometry & Vision ScienceType of Work: AbstractPublication Status: PublishedPublication date: November 2016Publisher: Anaheim, California, United StatesVolume: 93RIV Pages: E-abstract 160091URL: Item?: trueType of Review: Peer-ReviewPercent Authorship: 50
- Title of Abstract/Short Entry: Pupil responses evoked by targeted light stimulation of the fovea and peri-macular regionRIV Author(s): Hartwick ATE, Clark C, VanNasdale D, King B, Yuhas P, Elsner A, Burn STitle of Publication: Optometry & Vision ScienceType of Work: AbstractPublication Status: PublishedPublication date: November 2016Publisher: Anaheim, California, United StatesVolume: 93RIV Pages: E-abstract 160060URL: Item?:...
- Author(s): Yuhas PT, Shorter P, McDaniel C, Earley M, Hartwick ATitle of Publication: Altered Adaptation of the Pupillary Light Reflex and Sleep Irregularity in Photophobic Individuals with TBIPublication date: 1 September 2016Volume: 57Pagination: 2 pages
- Title of Abstract/Short Entry: Wavelength dependency for photopotentiation of pupil responses to red lightRIV Author(s): Yuhas P, Hartwick ATETitle of Publication: Optometry & Vision ScienceType of Work: AbstractPublication Status: PublishedPublication date: October 2015Publisher: American Academy of Optometry Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, United StatesVolume: 92RIV Pages: E-abstract 155188URL: Item?: trueType of Review:...
- Title of Publication: Optometry & Vision ScienceTitle of Entry: Reducing adenoviral patient infected days (RAPID) study: designand baseline characteristicsRIV Author(s): Migneco M, Gordon M, Hartwick A, Huecker J, Johnson S, Harthan J, Morettin C, Shorter E, Than TPublication Status: PublishedPublication date: October 2015Publisher: American Academy of Optometry Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, United StatesVolume: 92RIV Pages: E-abstract 155226Type of Work: AbstractURL: http://www...
- Title of Abstract/Short Entry: Blue and red light-evoked pupil responses in photophobic individuals with traumatic brain injury.RIV Author(s): Hartwick ATE, Yuhas P, Shorter P, McDaniel C, Earley M.Title of Publication: Investigative Ophthalmology & Vision ScienceType of Work: AbstractPublication Status: PublishedPublication date: May 2015Publisher: ARVO Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado, United StatesVolume: 56RIV Pages: E-abstract 584URL:
- Title of Abstract/Short Entry: Assessment of ipRGC-mediated pupil constriction in photophobic individuals with traumatic brain injury.RIV Author(s): Yuhas P, Shorter P, McDaniel C, Earley M, Hartwick ATETitle of Publication: Optometry & Vision ScienceType of Work: AbstractPublication Status: PublishedPublication date: November 2014Publisher: American Academy of Optometry Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado, United StatesVolume: 91RIV Pages: E-abstract 140025URL:
- Title of Abstract/Short Entry: Altered adaptation of the pupillary light reflex in photophobic individuals with traumatic brain injury.RIV Author(s): Shorter P, Yuhas P, McDaniel C, Earley M, Hartwick ATETitle of Publication: Optometry & Vision ScienceType of Work: AbstractPublication Status: PublishedPublication date: November 2014Publisher: American Academy of Optometry Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado, United StatesVolume: 91RIV Pages: E-abstract 140098URL:
- Title of Abstract/Short Entry: Correlation of observer-graded light sensitivity to pupil responses in healthy subjects stimulated with red and blue flickering lightRIV Author(s): Yuhas PT, Shorter P, McDaniel C, Earley, Hartwick ATETitle of Publication: Optometry & Vision ScienceType of Work: AbstractPublication Status: PublishedPublication date: November 2013Publisher: American Academy of Optometry Annual Meeting, Seattle, Washington, United StatesVolume: 90RIV Pages: E-abstract...
- Title of Abstract/Short Entry: Isolation of ipRGC contribution to the human pupillary light reflexRIV Author(s): Yuhas PT, Moose HE, Hartwick ATETitle of Publication: Optometry & Vision ScienceType of Work: AbstractPublication Status: PublishedPublication date: October 2012Publisher: American Academy of Optometry Annual Meeting, Phoenix, Arizona, United StatesVolume: 89RIV Pages: E-abstract 120153URL: Item?: trueType of Review: Peer...
- Title of Abstract/Short Entry: Flicker sensitivity of the human pupillary light reflexRIV Author(s): Yuhas PT, Moose HE, Hartwick ATETitle of Publication: Investigative Ophthalmology & Vision ScienceType of Work: AbstractPublication Status: PublishedPublication date: May 2012Publisher: ARVO Annual Meeting, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, United StatesVolume: 53RIV Pages: E-Abstract 4824URL: Item?: trueType of...
- Title of Abstract/Short Entry: Characterizing the structure and the function of the inner retina in non-athletes with multiple traumatic brain injuriesAuthor(s): Yuhas PT, Klimo K, Stern-Green E, Day E, Shelton E, Jordan L, Robich M, VanNasdale DTitle of Publication: Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual ScienceType of Work: AbstractPublication Status: ForthcomingRecord created at source: 23 March 2022
- Title of Abstract/Short Entry: Theoretical Analysis of an Unknown Change in Corneal Refractive Index Following Corneal Cross-Linking Introduces Artifact in Optical Measurements of Central Corneal ThicknessAuthor(s): DeGroff A, Yuhas PT, Roberts CTitle of Publication: Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual SciencePublication Status: In PressRecord created at source: 29 April 2021
- Title of Abstract/Short Entry: Effect of Short-Term Light Exposure on AlertnessAuthor(s): Hartwick A, Yuhas PT, Doyle CTitle of Publication: Optometry & Vision SciencePublication Status: PublishedRecord created at source: 15 October 2019
- Title of Abstract/Short Entry: Corneal and Scleral Biomechanical Differences Among Individuals of Sub-Saharan African, European,and Mixed-Race DescentAuthor(s): Canavan J, Koons A, Mahmoud A, Fleming G, Roberts C, Yuhas PTTitle of Publication: Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual SciencePublication Status: In PressRecord created at source: 29 April 2021
- Title of Abstract/Short Entry: Endogenous Adenosine-Mediated Suppression of ipRGC Photoresponses during Dark AdaptationAuthor(s): Yuhas PT, Sohdi P, Hartwick ATitle of Publication: Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual SciencePublication Status: PublishedRecord created at source: 15 October 2019
- Title of Abstract/Short Entry: Comparison of in Vitro Pupil Responses and in Vitro ipRGC Spiking Responses to Repeated Light Stimuli in RatsAuthor(s): Yuhas PT, Hartwick ATitle of Publication: Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual SciencePublication Status: PublishedRecord created at source: 15 October 2019
- Title of Abstract/Short Entry: Effect of Repeated Light Exposure on Pupil Re-dilation Kinetics: Implications for Melanopsin Activation ThresholdAuthor(s): Yuhas PT, Hartwick ATitle of Publication: Optometry & Vision SciencePublication Status: PublishedRecord created at source: 15 October 2019
- Title of Abstract/Short Entry: Comparison of Stress Distribution in Keratoconus and Healthy EyesAuthor(s): Yuhas PT, Knoll K, Roberts C, Mahmoud A, Hendershot ATitle of Publication: Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual ScienceType of Work: AbstractPublication Status: ForthcomingRecord created at source: 23 March 2022
- Chapter Title: Preseptal CellulitisBook Title: Clinical Cases in Eye CareChapter Authors: Yuhas PTEditors: Rosenfield M, Lee EM, Goodwin DPublication Status: PublishedPublication date: 24 August 2018Publisher: Wolters Kluwer, PhiladelphiaEdition: 1stPagination: 227-229ISBN-10: 1496385349ISBN-13: 978-1496385345Record created at source: 14 November 2019
- Young Alumnus Award, 20200516
- Emerging Vision Scientist,
- Yuhas, P. T., Ciamacca, M., Ramsey, K., Mayne, D., Stern-Green, E., Ohr, M., . . . VanNasdale, D. (2022). Foveal Phase Retardation Correlates with Optically Measured Henle Fiber Layer Thickness. Frontiers in Medicine, section Ophthalmology.
- Yuhas, P. T. (2022). Non-24-Hour Sleep–Wake Disorder and Tasimelteon: A Review for Practitioners Who Work with Blind People. Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness. doi:10.1177/0145482X211072521
- Yuhas, P. T., Shorter, P. D., McDaniel, C. E., Earley, M. J., & Hartwick, A. T. E. (2019). Observer-perceived light aversion behaviour in photophobic subjects with traumatic brain injury. CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL OPTOMETRY, 102(6), 621-626. doi:10.1111/cxo.12896
- Yuhas, P. T., Shorter, P. D., McDaniel, C. E., Earley, M. J., & Hartwick, A. T. E. (2017). Blue and Red Light-Evoked Pupil Responses in Photophobic Subjects with TBI. OPTOMETRY AND VISION SCIENCE, 94(1), 108-117. doi:10.1097/OPX.0000000000000934
- Yuhas, P. T., & Morrison, A. (n.d.). Tots, Teens, and Screens. In American Academy of Optometry Annual Meeting.
- Yuhas, P. T. (n.d.). Blue Light: Separating Fact and Fiction. In Washington State Association for Naturopathic Physicians Annual Conference.
- Yuhas, P. T., & Hartwick, A. (n.d.). Ocular Consequences of Traumatic Brain Injury. In Chronic Brain Injury Discovery Theme, Optometry Grand Rounds.
- Yuhas, P. T. (n.d.). Gateway to the Brain: Using the Retina as a Site to Detect Traumatic Brain Injury. In Vold Vision Spring Symposium.
- Yuhas, P. T. (n.d.). Blue Light: Separating Fact and Fiction. In Vold Vision Spring Symposium.
- Yuhas, P. T. (n.d.). Gateway to the Brain: Using the Retina as a Site to Detect Traumatic Brain Injury. In OSU Winter Continuing Education Conference.
- Yuhas, P. T. (n.d.). Blue Light and the Human Visual System: Exposure and Management. In Public Health & Environmental Vision Section Symposium: Beyond 2020 – New Frontiers in Enhancing and Protecting Vision.
- Yuhas, P. T., & Morrison, A. (n.d.). Tots, Teens, and Screens. In American Academy of Optometry Annual Meeting.
- Yuhas, P. T. (n.d.). Secondary in Name Only: The Other Glaucomas. In Optometric Educators Annual Summer Continuing Education Conference.
- Yuhas, P. T. (n.d.). Preceptal Cellulitis: When Treatment Fails. In Ohio State University College Live Distance Learning Program.
- Yuhas, P. T. (n.d.). Preceptal Cellulitis: What To Do When Treatment Fails. In Student Online Clinical Case Education Program, American Academy of Optometry.